Terms and conditions

Terms conditions




Article 1. Applicability

1.1. At the time of making a booking, the Client is deemed to agree to Shemale Gigis General Terms and Conditions.  Otherwise agreed arrangements that deviate from these General Terms and Conditions may only be indicated in writing to 



1.2 The Client who places a booking and/or service Gigi DE LA cruz is deemed to tacitly agree to the applicability of these Terms and Conditions. Gigi De La Cruz shall at all times be entitled to amend the text of these General Terms and Conditions unilaterally. In such case the latest text of these General Terms and Conditions shall always apply.

Article 2. General 

2.1.Gigi De la Cruz   is a legal, licensed and registered High Class Escort Service that carries out her activities under the licence. Gigi Dela Cruz may carry out their work by virtue of a Booking of their own free will. 

2.2. Licence: 

2.3. Gigi DE la Cruz is the sole proprietorship . registered in the Trade Register under number  and/or its legal successors. 

2.4. Website: the website of gigi de la cruz Escort, known as: www.gigidlc.escortbook.com

Article 3. Realisation of Booking 

3.1. A Booking only comes into effect when Gigi de la cruz has expressly accepted the Order. The Booking Confirmation from Gigi de la cruz is deemed to reflect the Booking accurately and completely, subject to obvious spelling and typing errors.

3.2. Gigi de la Cruz shall be entitled to refuse the Assignment at any time, without having to give a reason. 

3.3. If the Booking is made for several High Class Escorts, each High Class Escort is considered a separate Booking.

3.4. A Booking can be cancelled free of charge within 3hours of Booking Confirmation. Restitution is only possible once.

3.5. A 40% deposit is required on travels(outcalls)and be paid beforehand. Through eft, collected or dropped if asked.

3.6. If the Client wishes to cancel a Booking then the Client shall owe the following percentages of agreed tariff; 

  1. Up to 6 hours before departure 50%. Less than 6 hours before departure: 100%
  2. Client may, within 72 minutes of commencement of the Booking, cancel it free of charge, if in Client’s opinion the High Class Escort is in reality not as presented on any  Website, both in appearance apersonality. 
  3. If no cancellation is indicated by the Client to Gigi de la cruz and/ or within 15 minutes of the start of the Booking, the Booking is final. 

3.7 Gigi de la cruz : persons engaged  age of 21 years, who execute a Client’s Booking. 

3.8 International Booking: any Booking can  be made outside South africa. 

3.9. The Client is: legal persons as well as natural persons with a minimum age of 18 years who wish to conclude or have concluded a booking agreement with Gigi de la cruz.

Article 4. Bookings

4.1. On receipt of an Assignment, Gigi shall make every effort to match the Client as far as possible, in order to provide the Client with the best possible experience in carrying out the Booking.

4.2. Bookings are subject to a minimum duration of 24 hours. 

4.3. Client must be at least 18 years of age. 

4.4. The Client shall not be in possession of and/or under the influence of large amounts of alcohol and/or drugs and shall not require or encourage High Class Escort to consume alcoholic beverages and/or drugs. 


Gigi DE LA cruz does not discriminate on nationality, race or religion.

4.6. Bookings take place only in hygienic living quarters or hotel/accommodation with a level of at least four hotel stars. 

4.7. Client ensures a high level of (personal) care and hygiene. 

4.8. Client shall not solicit, demand or encourage unsafe sex, including unprotected oral, vaginal and/or anal sex 

 4.9. The Client shall respect the privacy of Gigi DE LA cruz and act accordingly in the widest sense. 


  1. 4.10. The Client shall at all times refrain from (any attempt at) deception, intimidation and/or any other act or mission that endangers the safety of Gigi DE LA cruz


4.11. The Client is not permitted to contact Gigi on her personal number or exchange contact details and/or disclose them to any third party, or agency unless she has given permission Todo so. 

4.13. Gigi DE LA cruz has the right to provide security in any form when carrying out a Booking. 

Article 5. International Booking 

5.1. For an International Booking, the same terms and conditions apply as for a Booking included in these General Terms and Conditions and apply accordingly, unless expressly derogated from in this article

5.2.International Bookings will only take place under the conditions of the National Government’s travel advice. 

5.3. A Booking within South Africa is subject to a minimum booking time of 12 hours. For a Worldwide booking, a minimum of 48 hours applies. 

5.4. An international Booking requires deposit via bank of at least 50% of the fare. 

5.5. The means of transport of Gigi DE LA cruz shall be determined by mutual agreement on a case-by-case basis. 

5.6. For destinations with a minimum travel time of 4 hours when using a passenger car, transport will always be via uber or aeroplane. 

5.7. For destinations with a minimum travel time of 7 hours by air, transport will travel Gigi DE LA cruz at least business class. 

5.8. During an International Booking, the Client shall ensure that Gigi DE LA cruz:

  1. Has time for herself 
  2. consumes at least three meals a day at the Client’s expense;
  3. contact her next of kin, partner by phone at least once a day, for which privacy and opportunity will be provided; 
  4. in the case of an International Booking with a duration of 24 hours or more, have a minimum of  hours per day free to fill as they see fit, for which privacy and opportunity will be provided; 
  5. In the case of an International Booking with a duration of 24 hours or more, be given a minimum of eight hours’ sleep per day. 


Article 6. Payments 

6.1. All payments must be made prior to the Booking or at the latest immediately upon commencement of the Booking, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing between the parties. 

6.2. The rates listed on our Website EXclude 21% VAT and travel expenses) within Gigi DE LA cruz's area of residence up to a travel time of 15 minutes. After that, travel expenses will be charged to the Client

6.3. Rates are non-negotiable 

6.4. If the Client has Additional Services which result in more work or costs for the Gigi DE LA cruz or  than can reasonably be expected, an increase in the applicable rates may be in force. 

6.5. No rights can be derived from discounts. Discounts as stated on the Website are only applicable if agreed in advance with Gigi DE LA cruz and confirmed in the Booking Confirmation. 

6.6. Gigi DE LA cruz  does not carry change. Other currencies like the Dollar and ZAR are only accepted. 

6.7. Gigi DE LA cruz further accepts payments by debit or credit card and rare occasions through a mobile payment terminal. Business credit card payments are subject to a surcharge of 10% of the amount due.

Payments via bank and payment request. This bank transfer must be made directly to Gigi DE LA cruz bank account no later than before Gigi DE LA Cruz leaves for Booking. Also a 50% travel fee has to be paid before any travel or overnight is confirmed. If a cancellation fee arises Shemale Gigi has the full right to get that fee no matter what. As most clients do not see fit or forgets to inform Miss DE LA Cruz they are cancelling.

6.9. please note NO refund of any amount if in the execution of the Booking, at the initiative of the Client, all services as agreed in the Booking Confirmation are not used. 

6.10. Refunds in connection with a cancelled Booking, will be made by off setting against the amount owed by the Customer and will be refunded on the next Booking, immediately. 

6.11. On Client’s first booking will a deposit of 50% of the booking amount will be required

Article 7. Confidentiality 

7.1. All Client information which Gigi DE LA cruz holds as a result of its provision of services shall be treated as confidential and shall only be used in the course of the performance of its services. 

7.2. If the Client provides false information regarding his person to Miss DE LA Cruz, miss DE LA Cruz  may display this information on a so-called blacklist, to be shared on industry websites, other media and with police and judicial authorities, in order to prevent future false information in Bookings. 

Article 8. Liability 

Gigi DE LA Cruz shall not be liable for damages unless there is intent or wilful recklessness on the part of miss DE LA Cruz.

8.2. Defects of any kind, disappointed expectations of the Client, or deviations from the information provided on the Website, do not entitle the Client to any right to compensation and/or set-off. 

Article 9. Intellectual property 

9.1. The names “Gigi de la cruz” ” are trade names registered with the Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce. 

9.2. All images and information provided by third parties on the Website serve to support the image of Gigi DE LA Cruz  The services of these third parties are in no way affiliated with the services of 

Gigi DE LA Cruz. 


Article 10. Applicable law 

10.1. All Assignments, Bookings, including these General Conditions are governed exclusively by South African law. 

10.2. Any disputes between Gigi DE LA cruz and Client arising from an Assignment or Booking, including these General Terms and Conditions, shall be submitted to the competent court in

 South Africa.